Construction Continues on Schedule

The Eastern Shore Public Library Foundation hopes you are healthy and staying safe.


We want to share our latest update on the progress of the future Eastern Shore of Virginia Regional Library and Heritage Center currently being built in Parksley. Construction is on schedule with an expected completion in January 2021. You can view the live webcam of the construction, provided pro-bono through Bullfeathers and Netwavz.

Even though the Library Foundation volunteers cannot meet together, we still continue to be involved in fundraising for this project. Our volunteers are working from home to keep up with donations. We have been reaching out to the non-profit resources that are being made available. Planning continues for future fundraising.

It is the mission of the Eastern Shore Public Library Foundation to raise funds for a library that our citizens need and deserve. Together with you we are making that happen. Many of you have contributed financially which has helped us reach 90 % of our goal of $5.2 million. The pledges made continue to push us toward this goal. Your support is appreciated greatly. You have made a difference. We wish you good health and look forward to seeing you in person at the library! Colette Nelson, President, Eastern Shore Public Library Foundation
